Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

etikka dalam berbisnis

Ethics is a branch of philosophy related with kindliness or rightness or morality of
behavior of human being. In this understanding ethics interpreted as rules which
cannot be impinged from behavior which accepted by society as well or bad. While
determination of good and bad is a problem always change. Ethics of business is
standards of value becoming reference or guidance of manager and whole
employees in decision making and operate business which ethics. Ethics paradigm
and business is world differ its time has come altered to become ethics paradigm
related to business or synergy between ethics and profit. Exactly in tight competition
era, company reputation which good and based on by business ethics is an
advantage competitive which difficult to be imitated. Therefore, ethics behavior is
needed to reach long-range success in a business.
Key Words: Ethics, Business, Moral.

elen ... (http://www.akademik.unsri.ac.id/download/journal/files/udejournal/(12)%20soca-anderson-etika%20bisnis(1).pdf)

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